We are always looking for exceptionally strong PhD and postdoctoral candidates.
Current open PhD positions:
Group Members:
Ali Mashayek is a professor in the Department of Earth Sciences at the University of Cambridge where he leads the Modelling Ocean Dynamics & Ecosystems Lab (MODEL) and co-directs the AI for Environmental Risks (AI4ER) Centre for Doctoral Training. He is also cross-affiliated with the UK National Oceanography Centre. Ali has degrees in mechanical engineering and physics and has worked in environmental engineering, earth sciences and climate science over the past decade. He works closely with the industry on topics such as carbon dioxide removal technologies, risks associated with climatic/environmental extreme events, and marine biodiversity.
Previous positions:
Assistant Professor at Imperial College London (2018-2023)
NERC Research Fellow at the University of Oxford (2017-2018)
Research Associate at Scripps Institution of Oceanography (2016-2017)
Research Fellow at MIT (2013-2016)
PhD in Physics from University of Toronto (2008-2013)
Former Members
William Key: Masters (Part III in Cambridge, 2024). Project: Ocean turbulence of the coast of Eastern Australia (co-adivsed with Alex Piotrowski)
Juncheng Zhang: MSc (2022). Project: Ocean mixed layer turbulence
Shenghan Fu: MSc (2022). Project: Application of machine learning to ocean turbulence parameterisation
Tianshu Liu: MSc (2021). Project: The surface manifestation of bottom-generated oceanic lee waves
Germano Piccirilli: MSc (2021). Project: Role of coastal ecosystems in protection against sea-level rise
Fangming Zhai: MSc (2021). Project: Application of machine learning to small-scale ocean turbulence
Mengqi Wang: MSc (2020). Project: Nonlinear lee wave generation over rough topography
Alfred Hewetson: MSc (2020). Project: Wave attenuation through Mangrove forests
Mathew Tse: MSc (2019). Project: Sea level rise and coastal protection
Bowen Che: MSc (2019). Project: Topographic form stress in the Ocean